Please Note: We are away for the 2nd half of September, so if you need your order quickly, please place it before Thursday September 12th.
from: Tobias Kaye

The Hole of Mankind

There’s a whole in my Heart
Burning like fire
The Whole behind the Alter
Takes my Song ever higher.

This hole through my purpose
Links to the hole within you
Seeking to widen
The flow of the whole.

When I open this hole
And allow in the fire
My heart becomes open
To the hole within you.

The warmth of the burning
Holds wide my hole
Thus I worship my whole
The Hole of mankind,
The Whole of Mankind.

When I push through my hole
The hole that’s my whole
I can widen this hole
For the whole of mankind

This whole human Self
The hole in my heart
Is the One Human Self
For the Whole of Mankind.

I, custodian of my
One human hole
Can open my heart
To the hole in mankind

When I open my hole
I see all of Mankind
The whole of the hole
Is the hole in Your heart.

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